pone.0248418.g004.tif (255.86 kB)

BlueFeather shares the most phams with phages originally assigned to Cluster FE and former Cluster FI.

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posted on 2021-03-12, 18:26 authored by Stephanie Demo, Andrew Kapinos, Aaron Bernardino, Kristina Guardino, Blake Hobbs, Kimberly Hoh, Edward Lee, Iphen Vuong, Krisanavane Reddi, Amanda C. Freise, Jordan Moberg Parker

A. Gene Content Similarity (GCS) between BlueFeather, Cluster FE and the former Cluster FI was calculated with the PhagesDB GCS calculator using the number of shared phams. There was high intracluster GCS, and BlueFeather showed higher GCS values with former Cluster FI. B. Gene Content Dissimilarity (GCD) output values of all pairwise comparisons of BlueFeather and all Arthrobacter phages (305), ordered by magnitude. Cluster FE and former Cluster FI were found to be least dissimilar to BlueFeather, with a MaxGCDGap of 41.60%, between BlueFeather and Yavru. (C) GCD output values of all pairwise comparisons of BlueFeather and all phages in PhagesDB (3381). MaxGCDGap remained at 41.60%. There are no non-Arthrobacter phages that are less dissimilar to BlueFeather than Yavru. BlueFeather shares up to 10% of genes with at least 63 non-Arthrobacter phages.
