pone.0266586.g005.tif (1.01 MB)

Beta band tb-SCORCH during the tracking period.

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posted on 2023-12-21, 18:27 authored by Dylan B. Snyder, Scott A. Beardsley, Allison S. Hyngstrom, Brian D. Schmit

The hemisphere contralateral to the tested arm (paretic/non-dominant) is displayed on the left. A) tb-SCORCH in the Pre-TV block (Control: C-Vibe and C-Sham, Stroke: S-Vibe and S-Sham). The tb-SCORCH Fisher z-values averaged across participants and sessions are shown for each group. Larger Fisher z-values indicate a stronger correlation of connectivity patterns between the group and the ground truth connectivity pattern (average of control-Vibe and control-Sham Pre-TV) during tracking. The black dot indicates the deficit electrode (C3). Values of tb-SCORCH were interpolated between electrodes B) tb-SCORCH in the deficit electrode. The bar chart shows tb-SCORCH Fisher z-values averaged across participants. Error bars denote the 95% confidence interval about the mean. C) Differences in beta band tb-SCORCH from Pre-TV for control participants. Black dots indicate the electrodes that were significantly different, using an FDR correction at α = 0.05. The Fisher z-values correspond to the differences between the respective block and the control Pre-TV block with a positive/negative Fisher z-value indicating an increase/decrease in the correlation of the connectivity maps within the respective block. Values of tb-SCORCH were interpolated between electrodes.
