pcbi.1010557.g003.tif (2.41 MB)

Bayes Factors distributions and sensitivity to signal-to-noise ratio.

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posted on 2023-12-13, 18:37 authored by Arnaud Poublan-Couzardot, Françoise Lecaignard, Enrico Fucci, Richard J. Davidson, Jérémie Mattout, Antoine Lutz, Oussama Abdoun

For each study, the upper plots depict the distribution of participants’ model evidence for each value of τ within each family of models at the MMN peak latency. Vertical lines indicate thresholds for substantial and strong evidence, respectively. The lower plots represent the relationship between log(BF) and SNR for a couple of representative models. The values of R2 refer to the fraction of variance modeled by a linear function. DD: deviant detection, SSA: stimulus-specific adaptation, BL: Bayesian learning, surp: Shannon’s surprise, pwpe: precision-weighted prediction error, madj: model adjustment.
