pgph.0002766.s004.tif (892.49 kB)

Bangladesh spLUC results vs. self-reported infection status.

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posted on 2024-02-21, 18:32 authored by Paul Lebel, Susanna Elledge, Diane M. Wiener, Ilakkiyan Jeyakumar, Maíra Phelps, Axel Jacobsen, Emily Huynh, Chris Charlton, Robert Puccinelli, Prasenjit Mondal, Senjuti Saha, Cristina M. Tato, Rafael Gómez-Sjöberg

A) S signal vs. self-reported number of infections. B) N signal vs. self-reported number of infections. In both plots, bold dotted lines denote the median of each distribution, and fine dotted lines denote the 10th and 90th percentiles of each distribution. In B), two outlier data points (the same points from Fig 5C in the main text) were artificially lowered into the display range (dashed box), which was limited to 5500 for clarity.

