pone.0256640.g001.tif (384.19 kB)

Bag-1 isoform-specific interactome analysis and classification of enriched pathways.

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posted on 2021-08-24, 17:29 authored by Nisan Denizce Can, Ezgi Basturk, Tugba Kizilboga, Izzet Mehmet Akcay, Baran Dingiloglu, Ozge Tatli, Sevilay Acar, Pelin Ozfiliz Kilbas, Efe Elbeyli, Serena Muratcioglu, Ayse Tarbin Jannuzzi, Attila Gursoy, Ozlem Keskin, Hamdi Levent Doganay, Betul Karademir Yilmaz, Gizem Dinler Doganay

a. Schematic representation of TAP–Bag-1 constructs used in the interactome analysis. TAP: Tandem Affinity Purification, NLS: Nuclear localization signal, TRSEEX: Amino acid repeats, UbL: Ubiquitin-like domain, BAG: BAG domain. b. Venn diagram of candidate interaction partners enriched (>1.2 fold) in the Bag-1 isoforms’ interactomes relative to the mock interactome. c. Subset of Gene Ontology (GO) classifiers for candidate Bag-1-interactors. Percentage of proteins with the indicated GO terms within Bag-1 interactomes and the reference dataset are depicted. Blue: Bag-1S, green: Bag-1M, purple: Bag-1L and grey: Reference. d. Heatmap analysis for the relative abundances of the binding partners for each Bag-1 isoform. Enriched proteins are clustered according to their biological functions. Color code is given in log2 base.
