pone.0274332.s001.tif (151.32 kB)

BRSV RNA detected in nasal swabs of cows that were naturally re-infected four years after a previous natural BRSV infection (n = 7, reinfection) and cows that were naturally infected for the first time (n = 5).

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posted on 2022-09-16, 17:37 authored by Sara Hägglund, Katarina Näslund, Anna Svensson, Cecilia Lefverman, Hakan Enül, Leonore Pascal, Jari Siltenius, Menno Holzhauer, Alexis Delabouglise, Julia Österberg, Karin Alvåsen, Ulf Olsson, Jean-François Eléouët, Sabine Riffault, Geraldine Taylor, María Jose Rodriguez, Marga Garcia Duran, Jean François Valarcher

Samples were collected once and on the same day. All cows were housed in the same section of the loose range system. The unit TCID50 equivalent (TCID50 eq.) was used since the standard curve used in the assay was based on a BRSV-infected cell lysate with a known titre. Error bars represent standard deviation.

