ppat.1009165.g002.tif (7.05 MB)

BCR sequence analysis in convalescent COVID-19 donors.

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posted on 2021-02-11, 18:28 authored by Michael Mor, Michal Werbner, Joel Alter, Modi Safra, Elad Chomsky, Jamie C. Lee, Smadar Hada-Neeman, Ksenia Polonsky, Cameron J. Nowell, Alex E. Clark, Anna Roitburd-Berman, Noam Ben-Shalom, Michal Navon, Dor Rafael, Hila Sharim, Evgeny Kiner, Eric R. Griffis, Jonathan M. Gershoni, Oren Kobiler, Sandra Lawrynowicz Leibel, Oren Zimhony, Aaron F. Carlin, Gur Yaari, Moshe Dessau, Meital Gal-Tanamy, David Hagin, Ben A. Croker, Natalia T. Freund

(A) BCR sequencing information for each donor. The total numbers of sequenced BCRs, the number of identified clones (based on similar VHJH and CDRH3), the number of cells in clones, as well as percent of clonal sequences are given for each donor. (B) Frequencies of the top 34 VHJH combinations in BCRs from 13 COVID-19 donors versus mature BCR from 7 healthy donors (yellow bars) or BCR from naïve B cells from 42 healthy donors (orange bars). -Log10 p values were calculated using Mann Whitney test with FDR correction. Over-represented VHJH combinations are marked in green, while under-represented are marked in red. p values are listed by the corresponding horizontal column. (C) Left panel: shared clone matrix presented as a heatmap and showing the numbers of clones shared between the different donors. CNT–uninfected control. Right panel: the number of shared clones within the Severe group (magenta) and the Mild group (light blue). Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t test. (D) Comparison between the frequencies of 60 VH genes in COVID-19 infected BCR database while comparing between Severe and Mild groups of donors. Magenta, right pointing horizontal bars indicate VH genes that are over-represented in Severe donors over Mild, while light blue, left pointing horizontal bars indicate VH genes that are over-represented in Mild donors over Severe. Blue dashed lines correspond to p < 0.05 and red dashed lines corresponds to p < 0.01. p values were calculated using Mann Whitney test. The two VH genes that are significantly different between the groups are marked in magenta (E) Volcano plot showing p value as calculated in (D) and normalized fold counts for every VH segment. (F) Comparison between the frequencies of 2500 VH-VL pairs in COVID-19 infected Severe versus Mild groups of donors. Only pairs that are below p < 0.01 are indicated. Color code, configuration and p values are the same as in (E). ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001 **** p < 0.0001.
