pone.0260717.g008.tif (395.25 kB)

Average detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) exponent of scanpaths for pathological and normal stimuli across different groups of participants: Brain-experts (BE), Other-experts (OE), Registrars (R), All-radiologists (AR), and Naïves (N) (a) “First Second” and (b) “Five Seconds”.

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posted on 2021-12-02, 19:03 authored by Abdulla Al Suman, Carlo Russo, Ann Carrigan, Patrick Nalepka, Benoit Liquet-Weiland, Robert Ahadizad Newport, Poonam Kumari, Antonio Di Ieva

Average detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) exponent of scanpaths for pathological and normal stimuli across different groups of participants: Brain-experts (BE), Other-experts (OE), Registrars (R), All-radiologists (AR), and Naïves (N) (a) “First Second” and (b) “Five Seconds”.
