pone.0290823.g003.tif (334.14 kB)

Average annual health service utilisation by service type and facility level 2015–2019.

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posted on 2024-01-17, 18:27 authored by Bingling She, Tara D. Mangal, Anna Y. Adjabeng, Tim Colbourn, Joseph H. Collins, Eva Janoušková, Ines Li Lin, Emmanuel Mnjowe, Sakshi Mohan, Margherita Molaro, Andrew N. Phillips, Paul Revill, Robert Manning Smith, Pakwanja D. Twea, Dominic Nkhoma, Gerald Manthalu, Timothy B. Hallett

The frequency is calculated as the number of services delivered per 10,000 persons in Malawi, using “Adjusted” dataset. The area of each rectangle is proportional to the frequency of each service type at each facility level. The legend is ordered by the area of the rectangle.
