pone.0254165.g002.tif (5.35 MB)

Artifactual mesh hole analysis.

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posted on 2021-07-08, 01:00 authored by Moritz Schu, Emmanuel Terriac, Marcus Koch, Stephan Paschke, Franziska Lautenschläger, Daniel A. D. Flormann

(A) Representative image following HMDS10 drying and vectorial tracing (red) of artifactual mesh holes (magnification, 80k×). (B, C) Quantification of the artifactual mesh hole sizes according to the different HMDS protocols (Table 1) (B), and for HMDS10 (hmds) in comparison with CPD-LT and CPD as shown in Fig 2 (C). **, p <0.01; ***, p <0.001; n.s., non-significant; each data set was compared to hmds1 (B) or hmds (C) using t-tests. ANOVA tests: p = 1.88∙10−21 (B), p = 5.24∙10−8 (C). Scale bars images (B, C): 100 nm. (D, E) Representative images following CPD showing the vectorial tracing of the artifactual mesh holes (red) within the 2-μm band around the nucleus edge (black line) (D; magnification, 10k×), and the definition of the perinucleus region, shown between the red and white lines (E; magnification, 5k×). (A, D, E) Scales bars: 1 μm (A); 5 μm (D); 10 μm (E). (F) Correlation between the artifactual mesh hole areas for the perinucleus and the 2-μm nuclear band following the three SEM preparation protocols (as indicated). AMH, artifactual mesh hole. N = 30, 46, 30, 30 (B, from left to right); N = 46, 37, 28 (C, from left to right); N = 30, 20, 28 (F, hmds, CPD LT, CPD).
