pone.0246611.g001.tif (287.85 kB)

Ankle movement tasks used to generate experimental data set of B-mode ultrasound images.

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posted on 2021-05-27, 00:17 authored by Luis G. Rosa, Jonathan S. Zia, Omer T. Inan, Gregory S. Sawicki

Dynamic B-mode ultrasound data were collected from the human soleus muscle for five ankle movement tasks with varying levels of force and displacement. Tasks were as follows: (a) (red) seated, constrained ankle plantarflexion with cyclic pushes of the foot on the ground and legs held still, (b) (orange) seated, free ankle plantar/dorsiflexion with foot in the air, c) (green) weight-bearing, calf raises with cyclic heel raises while standing in place, d) (blue) walking at 1.5 m/s on a treadmill, and e) (purple) a mix of directed movements while standing in place with foot on the ground and in the air. Tasks were specifically chosen to elicit combinations of high/low muscle fascicle force and displacement to provide a data set for training machine learning (ML) algorithms that had a high degree of variability. Task color coding is consistent throughout the paper.
