ppat.1010161.g002.tif (604.04 kB)

Animal models and immunobridging.

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posted on 2022-01-13, 18:23 authored by César Muñoz-Fontela, Lina Widerspick, Randy A. Albrecht, Martin Beer, Miles W. Carroll, Emmie de Wit, Michael S. Diamond, William E. Dowling, Simon G. P. Funnell, Adolfo García-Sastre, Nora M. Gerhards, Rineke de Jong, Vincent J. Munster, Johan Neyts, Stanley Perlman, Douglas S. Reed, Juergen A. Richt, Ximena Riveros-Balta, Chad J. Roy, Francisco J. Salguero, Michael Schotsaert, Lauren M. Schwartz, Robert A. Seder, Joaquim Segalés, Seshadri S. Vasan, Ana María Henao-Restrepo, Dan H. Barouch

Comparative and standardized studies in animal models such as those performed by WHO-COM scientists can help to extrapolate vaccine immunogenicity data across preclinical and clinical studies. Figure created with Biorender ( VAERD, vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease; VOC, variant of concern; WHO-COM, WHO COVID-19 Modeling group.
