pone.0262488.s004.TIF (80.41 kB)

Analyses of Zhx3-KO mice.

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posted on 2022-01-27, 18:41 authored by Tomoka Igata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kan Etoh, Seonghyeon Hong, Naoki Tani, Tomoaki Koga, Mitsuyoshi Nakao

(A) RT-qPCR analyses of Zhx3 in wild-type and Zhx3-KO mice. Technical replicates of the same sample were performed (each n = 3). (B) Genotype ratios of heterozygous intercrosses in male and female pups (n = 29 males and 21 females). (C) Pregnancy rates of male and female Zhx3-KO mice. Total counts are 128 for mating and 88 for pregnancy. (D) Survival curve of female Zhx3-KO mice (each n = 9).

