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An in situ hybridization approach distinguishes M-opsin and L-opsin mRNA.

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posted on 2024-01-11, 18:23 authored by Sarah E. Hadyniak, Joanna F. D. Hagen, Kiara C. Eldred, Boris Brenerman, Katarzyna A. Hussey, Rajiv C. McCoy, Michael E. G. Sauria, James A. Kuchenbecker, Thomas Reh, Ian Glass, Maureen Neitz, Jay Neitz, James Taylor, Robert J. Johnston Jr

(A) Alignment of human M-opsin and L-opsin mRNA. Green bar = nucleotide difference. Horizontal pink and blue lines = location of in situ hybridization probes. (B) Alignment of portions of exon 5 from M- and L-opsin. In situ hybridization probes target mRNA sequences, indicated by blue (M-opsin) and pink (L-opsin) boxes. Green arrowheads indicate 8 nucleotide differences. Dots indicate nucleotide alignment between the opsins. (C–H) HEK293 cells probed for M-opsin mRNA (blue) and L-opsin mRNA (pink). Insets = schematic of transfected plasmid. Cells that did not express M-opsin mRNA or L-opsin mRNA were not quantified. (C) Quantification of transfected HEK293 cells expressing M-opsin mRNA only, L-opsin mRNA only, or M-opsin mRNA and L-opsin mRNA for the conditions in (D–H). (D–H) Brightfield images of cells with: (D) No plasmid transfected. (E) Transfection of a plasmid driving M-opsin. (F) Transfection of a plasmid driving L-opsin. (G) Transfection of either a plasmid driving M-opsin or a plasmid driving L-opsin independently and then the cells were mixed. (H) Transfection of both a plasmid driving M-opsin and a plasmid driving L-opsin. (I) Visualization of M-opsin mRNA, L-opsin mRNA, and M-/L-opsin protein (black) in HEK293 cells transfected with both a plasmid driving M-opsin and a plasmid driving L-opsin. M-opsin (blue) and L-opsin (pink). Blue arrow indicates a cell expressing M-opsin mRNA only. Pink arrows indicate cells expressing L-opsin mRNA only. Purple arrow indicates a cell expressing both M-opsin mRNA and L-opsin mRNA. Black arrow indicates an untransfected cell. Cells were identified based on nuclear Hoechst staining (S1A Fig). With this combined RNA in situ hybridization/immunohistochemistry approach, the mRNA signal was reduced, when compared to the mRNA signal observed when RNA in situ hybridization was conducted alone (Fig 1H). (J) Quantification of M-/L-opsin mRNA and M/L-opsin protein expression in transfected HEK293 cells (I). Original data sets are in S1 Data. (K) Quantification of M-/L-opsin mRNA and M/L-opsin protein expression in adult human retina (L). Original data sets are in S1 Data. (L) Visualization of M-opsin mRNA, L-opsin mRNA, and M-/L-opsin protein in cone cells in an adult human retina. M-opsin (blue) and L-opsin (pink). No cones co-expressed M-opsin mRNA and L-opsin mRNA. ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer. Cell boundaries were determined by identifying layers from a nuclear Hoechst stain (S1B Fig) and analyzing opsin protein immunohistochemistry signal from the ONL to the OPL.
