pone.0278949.g003.tif (180.87 kB)

Amount of detected copies/ml ΔaroA vs original input.

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posted on 2022-12-19, 18:30 authored by Kirsten Leurs, Evy Goossens, Henrik Christensen, Jacques G. Mainil, Dieter Vancraeynest, Richard Ducatelle, Filip Van Immerseel

The amount of detected ΔaroA (copies/ml) for the three different qPCRs (the SYBRgreen simplex qPCR (black triangles), probe-based simplex qPCR (dark grey squares) and probe-based duplex qPCR (light grey circles) is depicted. (A) The input of the qPCR is genomic DNA originating from a 10-fold dilution series of an overnight culture from the ΔaroA strain. (B) The input for the qPCRs is DNA isolated from fresh chicken faeces spiked with a 10-fold dilution series of the ΔaroA strain.
