pgen.1006991.g001.tif (443.15 kB)

Alterations in the red blood cell indices of Thra1PV/+ mice.

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posted on 2017-09-14, 17:28 authored by Sunmi Park, Cho Rong Han, Jeong Won Park, Li Zhao, Xuguang Zhu, Mark Willingham, David M. Bodine, Sheue-yann Cheng

Comparison of complete blood counts between wild-type (WT) and Thra1PV/+ mice: panel A, the number of red blood cells (RBC); B, hemoglobin (Hb); C, hematocrit (HCT); D, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC); E, red cell distribution width (RDW); and F, platelets (PLT) (wild type, n = 32; Thra1PV/+ mice, n = 31). Values are means ± SEM. Any statistical difference by t test versus control is indicated by p values. * denotes p<0.05; ** denotes p<0.01, *** p<0.001.
