pone.0219211.g004.tif (922.09 kB)

Alterations in cell cell contacts after AH.

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posted on 2019-07-05, 17:41 authored by Birte Weber, Marc Robin Mendler, Ina Lackner, Alexander von Zelewski, Severin Höfler, Meike Baur, Christian Karl Braun, Helmut Hummler, Stephan Schwarz, Jochen Pressmar, Miriam Kalbitz

Results of IHC staining of A) Claudin 18, B) Occludin and C) JAM-1 of lung tissue after asphyxia. Alterations in gap junction protein amount of D) Connexin 43 and E) Protein amount of Connexin 40. * p = 0.05, n.s. = not significant, graphical representation as mean ± SEM, NaCl n = 6, RBC n = 9, sham n = 6.
