pone.0297560.s005.tif (20.91 MB)

AlphaMissense correlation with CFTR in vitro data from spatial covariance study.

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posted on 2024-01-25, 18:35 authored by Eli Fritz McDonald, Kathryn E. Oliver, Jonathan P. Schlebach, Jens Meiler, Lars Plate

A. Spatial covariance data from a previous study [46] for 62 missense variants plotted against AlphaMissense scores. Y axis represents the trafficking index as measured by a western blot trafficking assay when HEK293T cells were incubated at 37 ºC. A slight inverse linear correlation was observed (Pearson Coefficient r = -0.46, Spearman Coefficient ρ = -0.44). B. Spatial covariance data for 62 missense variants using the same trafficking index in A. except at 27 ºC, plotted against AlphaMissense scores. Again, an inverse linear correlation was observed (Pearson Coefficient r = -0.48, Spearman Coefficient ρ = -0.49) albeit slightly higher than at 37 ºC. C. AlphaMissense scores correlated with the spatial covariance data but using chloride conductance index described in [46], which measured channel activity at 37 ºC. We observed an increased correlation (Pearson Coefficient r = -0.58, Spearman Coefficient ρ = -0.54). D. AlphaMissense scores correlated with chloride conductance index at 27 ºC. We observed a slight correlation (Pearson Coefficient r = -0.50, Spearman Coefficient ρ = -0.53).

