pone.0172905.g002.tif (169.88 kB)

Alignment of TP0136 unique sequences identified to date [this study, 14, 15, 19].

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posted on 2017-02-24, 19:34 authored by Lucía Gallo Vaulet, Linda Grillová, Lenka Mikalová, Ricardo Casco, Marcelo Rodríguez Fermepin, María A. Pando, David Šmajs

Only positions containing nucleotide variants are shown. A. Nucleotide differences between reference strain TPA SS14 and TPA Nichols in the region characterized using SBMT (at coordinates 264–1469 according to the TPANIC_0136; CP004010.2). Coordinates shown above correspond to TPASS_0136 (TPA SS14; CP004011.1) and coordinates shown below correspond to TPANIC_0136 (TPA Nichols; CP004010.2). B. Nucleotide differences in SS14-like unique sequences. Coordinates correspond to TPASS_0136 (TPA SS14; CP004011.1). ND, was not determined due to the limited amount of sample DNA. The white lines between coordinates indicate the non-continuous nucleotide positions. C. Nucleotide differences in Nichols-like unique sequences. Coordinates correspond to TPANIC_0136 (TPA Nichols; CP004010.2). The new unique sequence identified in this study is shown in bold. The white lines between coordinates indicate the non-continuous nucleotide positions.
