pone.0290871.g006.tif (508.02 kB)

Adult Fos expression in the PN5-9 group tested as adults for carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia.

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posted on 2023-11-16, 18:42 authored by Gordon A. Barr, Maya Opendak, Rosemarie E. Perry, Emma Sarro, Regina M. Sullivan

There were two distinct patterns of change. The top row represents the pattern where the dam’s presence reduced Fos expression. We labeled this the “Buffering” effect (G). For these regions, there were significant reductions in Fos expression in Shock+mother condition in the prelimbic PFC (A), BLA (B), nAcc core (C), and VMH. Estimation plots are shown below the data panels. The second pattern, the “Pain” effect (H), was the reduction in Fos expression in both the Shock alone group and Shock+mother group and was seen in the VMH (D), the lateral septum €, and the nAcc shell (F). Again, estimation plots are below. For the VMH and nAcc shell we included data from both the Shock group and Shock+mother group (shock w/wo mother), since both were significant. N = 4 per region.
