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Additional file 8 of A nuclear function for an oncogenic microRNA as a modulator of snRNA and splicing

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posted on 2022-01-16, 05:22 authored by Rachid El Fatimy, Yanhong Zhang, Evgeny Deforzh, Mahalakshmi Ramadas, Harini Saravanan, Zhiyun Wei, Rosalia Rabinovsky, Nadiya M. Teplyuk, Erik J. Uhlmann, Anna M. Krichevsky
Additional file 8 Supplementary Fig. 8. Effects of miR-10b and U6 snRNA on CDC42 alternative splicing. a Differential stability of CDC42 iso-1 and iso-2 variants. LN229 cells have been treated with Actinomycin D followed by qRT-PCR analysis of CDC42-iso1 and CDC42-iso2 variants. b qRT-PCR analysis of CDC42-iso1 or CDC42-iso2 levels in GBM8 cells transfected with either U6 ASOs, miR-10b inhibitor, mimic, or corresponding control oligonucleotides (mean ± SD, n = 3). Fold-change in the expression of the isoforms is plotted relative to the corresponding control conditions. P values were calculated using two-tail unpaired t-test. c Western blotting analysis of the indicated proteins in GBM8 cells transfected with either U6 ASOs, miR-10b inhibitor, or mimic. * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01.


National Foundation for Cancer Research National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute on Aging
