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Additional file 5 of A nuclear function for an oncogenic microRNA as a modulator of snRNA and splicing

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posted on 2022-01-16, 05:22 authored by Rachid El Fatimy, Yanhong Zhang, Evgeny Deforzh, Mahalakshmi Ramadas, Harini Saravanan, Zhiyun Wei, Rosalia Rabinovsky, Nadiya M. Teplyuk, Erik J. Uhlmann, Anna M. Krichevsky
Additional file 5 Supplementary Fig. 5. SART3 and PRPF8 bind to AGO proteins in glioma cells. a Representative images of miR-10b FISH (red) and AGO2 immunofluorescence (green) in glioma cells, and nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). Arrows mark the colocalization of AGO2 and miR-10b. b-e SART3 and PRPF8 bind to AGO proteins in glioma cells. IP with either IgG (control), AGO2, SART3, or PRPF8 antibodies, followed by the Western blotting for the indicated proteins.


National Foundation for Cancer Research National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute on Aging
