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Additional file 5: Figure S5. of Long-term leukocyte reconstitution in NSG mice transplanted with human cord blood hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

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posted on 2017-05-30, 05:00 authored by Annette AudigĂŠ, Mary-Aude Rochat, Duo Li, Sandra Ivic, Audrey Fahrny, Christina Muller, Gustavo Gers-Huber, Renier Myburgh, Simon Bredl, Erika Schlaepfer, Alexandra Scherrer, Stefan Kuster, Roberto Speck
Gating strategy for assessment of T cell differentiation and B cell maturation/differentiation in spleen. Representative examples for the assessment of T cell differentiation (A) and B cell maturation/differentiation (B) are shown. (TIF 85813 kb)
