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Additional file 4 of A nuclear function for an oncogenic microRNA as a modulator of snRNA and splicing

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posted on 2022-01-16, 05:22 authored by Rachid El Fatimy, Yanhong Zhang, Evgeny Deforzh, Mahalakshmi Ramadas, Harini Saravanan, Zhiyun Wei, Rosalia Rabinovsky, Nadiya M. Teplyuk, Erik J. Uhlmann, Anna M. Krichevsky
Additional file 4 Supplementary Fig. 4. MiR-10b is enriched in the spiceosome in glioma cells. a Western blot analysis of LN229 and U251 nuclear fractions separated in glycerol gradient, demonstrates enrichment of the spliceosomal marker PRPF8 in the heavy fractions. b qRT-PCR analysis demonstrates miR-10b enrichment (Ct values < 25.5) in the corresponding heavy fractions in both cell lines.


National Foundation for Cancer Research National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke National Institute on Aging
