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Additional file 2 of Study on the role of transcription factor SPI1 in the development of glioma

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posted on 2022-04-02, 03:02 authored by Baoshun Du, Wuji Gao, Yu Qin, Jiateng Zhong, Zheying Zhang
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Prediction of the potential transcript factor binding sites in the promoter regions of PAICS from online database JASPAR, hTFTARGET and HumanTFDB. a Prediction of transcription factor binding site of JASPAR database. b Prediction of transcription factor binding site of hTFTARGET database. c Prediction of transcription factor binding site of HumanTFDB database.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Joint construction project of Henan Medical Science and technology research plan Doctoral Scientific Research Foundation of Xinxiang Medical University Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province
