pone.0223105.g001.tif (1.63 MB)

Activation of IRE1/sXBP1 pathway in the intestinal mucosa and in the mesenteric adipose tissue (MAT) of Crohn’s disease patients.

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posted on 2019-09-26, 17:45 authored by Andressa Coope, Lívia Bitencourt Pascoal, José Diego Botezelli, Francesca Aparecida Ramos da Silva, Maria de Lourdes Setsuko Ayrizono, Bruno Lima Rodrigues, Marciane Milanski, Rita Barbosa Carvalho, João José Fagundes, Lício Augusto Velloso, Raquel Franco Leal

mRNA levels (qRT-PCR) of ERN1 gene was investigated in the intestinal mucosa (A) and in MAT (B) of CD patients (CD group) compared to control group (CTR group).*P < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 are considered statistically significant versus control group. Western blot analysis of the spliced/activated form of XBP1 was evaluated in the intestinal mucosa of CD patients (CD Group) compared to controls (CTR Group) (C). Each band represents one patient. *P < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 are considered statistically significant versus control group. Immunohistochemical analysis of sXBP1 was performed on paraffin-embedded slides from intestinal mucosa of CD and CTR group. The arrows show labeled epithelial cells by immunohistochemistry. Original magnification 100X (D). AU: arbitrary unit. ASU: arbitrary scanning unit.
