pone.0287206.g002.tif (361 kB)

Activation and tail currents for WT, WT+S428P and S428P channels.

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posted on 2024-01-05, 18:32 authored by Anthony Owusu-Mensah, Jacqueline Treat, Joyce Bernardi, Ryan Pfeiffer, Robert Goodrow, Bright Tsevi, Victoria Lam, Michel Audette, Jonathan M. Cordeiro, Makarand Deo

A. Representative traces of WT HERG. B. Representative traces of WT+S428P. C. Representative traces of S428P channels. D. Current-voltage relationship for WT, S428P and WT+S428P channels measured at the end of the activating pulse. Activation currents were elicited by depolarizing pulses in +10 mV increments. E. Tail current–voltage relationship as a function of the activating step potential of WT, S428P and WT+S428P.The tail currents were generated by channels recovering from depolarization. Tail current amplitude reduced approximately by half in co-transfected channels when compared to WT. WT: n = 16, WT+S428P: n = 12, S428P: n = 8.
