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A structural equation model.

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posted on 2024-01-05, 18:24 authored by Macarius M. Donneyong, Mary Bynum, Ameena Kemavor, Norah L. Crossnohere, Anne Schuster, John Bridges

The role of patient-provider communication and shared decision-making on patient satisfaction with care and adherence to antidepressants are depicted in this figure. The patient-clinician communication construct was created from participant responses (never, sometimes, usually, always) to the questions: how often the care provider (1) listen carefully to the patient. (2) explain to the patient. (3) show respect to the patient. (4) spend enough time with the patient? The SDM construct was defined from the four CAHPS items described above plus three additional questions about patients’ satisfaction with their usual source of care provider: Does the usual source of care provider (1) usually ask about and show respect for medical, traditional, and alternative treatments that the person is happy with (never/sometimes/usually/always)?. (2) ask the person to help make decisions between a choice of treatments (never/sometimes/usually/always). (3) usually ask about prescription medications and treatments other doctors may give them (yes/no)?
