pcbi.1010761.g011.tif (444.02 kB)

A simple, hypothetical example of CSI.

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posted on 2022-12-22, 18:56 authored by Xueer Chen, Lujia Chen, Cornelius H. L. Kürten, Fattaneh Jabbari, Lazar Vujanovic, Ying Ding, Binfeng Lu, Kevin Lu, Aditi Kulkarni, Tracy Tabib, Robert Lafyatis, Gregory F. Cooper, Robert Ferris, Xinghua Lu

(a) The data-generating CBN for variable X4 given its parents X1, X2, X3; (b) the individualized CBN that represents the CSI relationship X4X3|(X1 = 1, X2 = 1); (c) the individualized PAG that is learnable in the large sample limit from observational data generated by the CBN in b, given the assumptions described above.
