pone.0256986.s002.tif (42.55 kB)

A scheme of the sample collection and time points in subjects with cataracts for Study 2.

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posted on 2021-09-01, 17:28 authored by Toshihide Kurihara, Deokho Lee, Ari Shinojima, Taku Kinoshita, Saori Nishizaki, Yoko Arita, Yuki Hidaka, Yasuyo Nishi, Yoshinori Shirakawa, Sho Kimura, Yukari Tsuneyoshi, Hidemasa Torii, Kazuo Tsubota, Kazuno Negishi

Before the cataract surgery with a 5 mins interval, blood samples (T1 and T2) were collected and measured. During the surgery, blood samples (T3 and T4) were collected with a 5 mins interval. At the first blood sample collection (T3), aqueous humor samples were also collected and measured.

