pgen.1009269.s009.tif (222.84 kB)

A phylogenetic tree built using RaxML [78] with the BINCAT model and treating each isolate’s binary presence/absence vector as a binary sequence.

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posted on 2021-02-25, 18:26 authored by Gerry Tonkin-Hill, Shazia Ruybal-Pesántez, Kathryn E. Tiedje, Virginie Rougeron, Michael F. Duffy, Sedigheh Zakeri, Tepanata Pumpaibool, Pongchai Harnyuttanakorn, OraLee H. Branch, Lastenia Ruiz-Mesía, Thomas S. Rask, Franck Prugnolle, Anthony T. Papenfuss, Yao-ban Chan, Karen P. Day

The population structure evident in the t-SNE plot is reproduced in this analysis. Peru is split into two populations and Ghana is more distinct from Uganda than the FFP and Admixture analysis. Colombia is found to be closer to the other South American isolates in this analysis.

