pone.0294465.g006.tif (297.39 kB)

Aβ oligomers that bind to PrPC are present in APP-PS1 at higher levels than in J20 mouse brain, but do not change due PrPC expression.

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posted on 2023-11-17, 18:40 authored by Silvia A. Purro, Michael Farmer, Elizabeth Noble, Claire J. Sarell, Megan Powell, Daniel Yip, Lauren Giggins, Leila Zakka, David X. Thomas, Mark Farrow, Andrew J. Nicoll, Dominic Walsh, John Collinge

Total brain homogenates were analysed by DELFIA immunoassay to detect PrPC-binding Aβ species (APP-PS1 vs J20, p = 0.037; WT vs APP-PS1, p = 0.009; APP-PS1 vs APP-PS1 PrPC KO, p>0.99; WT vs J20, p = 0.12; J20 vs J20 PrPC KO, p>0.99). n = 6–9.
