pone.0256986.s001.tif (184.1 kB)

A general schematic of sample collection in the subjects with cataracts during the surgery.

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posted on 2021-09-01, 17:28 authored by Toshihide Kurihara, Deokho Lee, Ari Shinojima, Taku Kinoshita, Saori Nishizaki, Yoko Arita, Yuki Hidaka, Yasuyo Nishi, Yoshinori Shirakawa, Sho Kimura, Yukari Tsuneyoshi, Hidemasa Torii, Kazuo Tsubota, Kazuno Negishi

After an operating surgeon (dark red) obtained aqueous humor samples (black) from the anterior chamber of the eye in the subjects (gray) with supports of assistant doctors (light blue), the samples were directly delivered to the table (light green) and glucose levels were measured. At the same time of the aqueous humor sample collection, other assistant doctors with nurses obtained blood samples intravenously and the samples were delivered to the table for the measurement.

