pcbi.1009254.s013.png (80.72 kB)

A compound heterozygous CNV involving IGHV3-30.

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posted on 2021-08-03, 17:36 authored by Jia-Yuan Zhang, Hannah Roberts, David S. C. Flores, Antony J. Cutler, Andrew C. Brown, Justin P. Whalley, Olga Mielczarek, David Buck, Helen Lockstone, Barbara Xella, Karen Oliver, Craig Corton, Emma Betteridge, Rachael Bashford-Rogers, Julian C. Knight, John A. Todd, Gavin Band

k-mer sharing plot (k = 20) comparing the CLR read with ID 92801871/034335 (y axis) with the HV31 assembly (x axis). The read is consistent with the presence of a three-copy unassembled haplotype as described in main text and Fig 5D. Each copy of the repeat unit is annotated with a number and an arrow for clarity.

