pone.0257098.s005.tif (1.84 MB)

A 2DIR and TEM comparison of αB-crystallin and αB-R120G-crystallin with acid treatment.

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posted on 2021-09-14, 17:23 authored by Ariel M. Alperstein, Kathleen S. Molnar, Sidney S. Dicke, Kieran M. Farrell, Leah N. Makley, Martin T. Zanni, Usha P. Andley

(A) Overlay of diagonal slices for room temperature αB-crystallin (solid light blue, data in Fig 2A), heated sample (dashed light blue, data in Fig 2A), and acid treated sample (dotted light blue). Data has been normalized to 1639 cm−1 to match the room temperature sample. (B) Overlay of diagonal slices for room temperature αB-R120G-crystallin (solid maroon, data in Fig 2B), heated sample (dashed maroon, data in Fig 2B), and acid treated sample (dotted maroon). Data has been normalized to 1632 cm−1 to match the room temperature sample. (C) TEM image of acid treated αB-crystallin. Dark blue scale bar is 100 nm.

