pone.0259558.g004.tif (346.12 kB)

ARG2, RGS4, and RGS5 expression in BHP18-21v cells analyzed using real-time PCR and western blotting.

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posted on 2021-11-08, 18:26 authored by Yuko Ito, Fumihiko Furuya, Katsumi Taki, Hideaki Suzuki, Hiroki Shimura

(A) MOI-dependent changes in gene expressions quantified by real-time PCR 72 h after adenoviral vector infection (n = 6). Ratios of gene expressions in infected cells to those in non-infected cells 72 h after infection are shown. (B) Time-dependent changes in gene expressions quantified by real-time PCR after 300 MOI adenoviral vector infection (n = 6). Ratios of gene expressions in infected cells to those in pre-infected cells (0 h) are shown. Error bars indicate SEM. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01, significant differences between AdNKX2-1 and AdLacZ. (C) Western blot showing ARG2 and RGS4 expression 72 h after 300 MOI AdLacZ or AdNKX2-1 infection (upper panel). Loading control, GAPDH expression (bottom panel).
