pone.0292164.g002.tif (2.13 MB)

50% Majority consensus tree based on COI sequences.

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posted on 2023-12-22, 18:39 authored by Lori R. Tolley-Jordan, Michael A. Chadwick, Jimmy K. Triplett

Numbers at nodes show bootstrap values from Parsimony (top) and posterior probabilities values from Bayesian (bottom) analyses. Parsimony analyses resulted 185 parsimony informative characters in 126 retained topologies with a consistency index of 0.5118 and a retention index of 0.8811. The two recovered clades including FLORIDA and WORLD sequences are shown with vertical bars. Clade I is represented by gold shading and Clade II includes shading for each subclade with green (subclade 1), blue (subclade 2), and purple (subclade 3).
