pone.0208659.g004.tif (3.02 MB)

4C-seq analysis of the Xpo7 locus.

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posted on 2019-03-28, 17:47 authored by Ileana Cantú, Harmen J. G. van de Werken, Nynke Gillemans, Ralph Stadhouders, Steven Heshusius, Alex Maas, Fatemehsadat Esteghamat, Zeliha Ozgur, Wilfred F. J. van IJcken, Frank Grosveld, Marieke von Lindern, Sjaak Philipsen, Thamar B. van Dijk

(A) Schematic representation of chromosome number 14. The green box indicates the zone where the Xpo7 gene resides. The RefSeq mm10 Xpo7 gene is indicated by rectangles (exons) and arrows (introns) that point to the direction of transcription. The location is indicated in Mega basepairs (Mb). The erythroid-specific first exon is indicated by a red box. (B-C) 4C-seq representation of the chromosome contact frequencies detected using the canonical promoter of Xpo7 (B) and the region of the erythroid specific Xpo7 exon (C) as viewpoints. The mean of a running windows of 21 restriction fragment-ends of the median value of the biological replicates with a maximum of 3000 are indicated by colored lines. Loci with a statistically significant (FDR <0.05) higher contact frequencies and reads per million >250 in wildtype fetal liver compared to the fetal brain are indicated by light grey boxes. Loci with a statistically significant (FDR <0.05) higher contact frequencies and reads per million >250 in fetal brain compared to the wildtype fetal liver brain are indicated by dark grey boxes. The red dotted line indicates the view point and the red arrow the position of the loop. Purple, wildtype fetal liver; Orange, Nan fetal liver; Grey, wildtype fetal brain.
