pgen.1010777.s009.tif (8.81 MB)

3D reconstructions of WT and Rbp1-/- aortic valves in position within the aortic root.

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posted on 2023-11-27, 19:20 authored by Rachel Queen, Moira Crosier, Lorraine Eley, Janet Kerwin, Jasmin E. Turner, Jianshi Yu, Ahlam Alqahtani, Tamilvendhan Dhanaseelan, Lynne Overman, Hannah Soetjoadi, Richard Baldock, Jonathan Coxhead, Veronika Boczonadi, Alex Laude, Simon J. Cockell, Maureen A. Kane, Steven Lisgo, Deborah J. Henderson

3D reconstructions of the aortic valve of wild type and Rbp1 null mutants at E15.5 and P1 placed within the aortic root (grey). WT and Rbp1-/- mutants are matched for orientation. Red = non-coronary leaflet, yellow = left leaflet, green = right leaflet. Orange is a fused non-coronary and left leaflet. At E15.5, three leaflets were seen in the aortic valve of WT at E15.5. In comparison, two leaflets observed in a Rbp1-/- mutant (Mut 1) observed from the right side. In the other mutant (Mut 2) shown, three leaflets were observed although two were fused along the majority of their length. In this latter case, it is clear that the proximal extent of the leaflets is not the same (arrows). Three leaflets are seen in both the WT and Rbp1-/- at P1, although abnormalities in the shape and position of the leaflets are apparent.

