pone.0245721.g003.tif (209.45 kB)

2D Cartesian plot obtained using the averaged z-scores from the variables used to identify clusters.

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posted on 2021-01-23, 02:38 authored by Ketia Alexandre, Fanny Vallet, Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux, Olivier Desrichard

(a) Variables related to the diabetes care activities dimension (DSM behaviors, self-efficacy, and perceived empowerment) featuring along the horizontal axis; (b) Variables related to the psychological adjustment dimension (diabetes distress and perceived quality of life) feature along the vertical axis; The distress variable’s z-score was inverted; The disk diameter is proportional to the cluster size: total number of participants N = 316, cluster 1 n = 139, cluster 2 n = 93, cluster 3 n = 44, clusters 4 n = 40; The error bars indicate each cluster’s standard deviation.
