pone.0253912.g006.tif (1.82 MB)

11.5-day-old embryo (E11.5) generated by crossing He × He.

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posted on 2021-07-01, 17:36 authored by Yuko S. Niino, Ikuo Kawashima, Yoshinobu Iguchi, Hiroaki Kanda, Kiyoshi Ogura, Kaoru Mita-Yoshida, Tomio Ono, Maya Yamazaki, Kenji Sakimura, Satomi Yogosawa, Kiyotsugu Yoshida, Seiji Shioda, Takaya Gotoh

The embryos of two mice out of 11 mother mice in Table 2 are shown in (A) and (B). The photographs show each individual and genotypes determined by their amniotic membranes. In (A), fetus number 4 was already absorbed. Scale bars represent 2 mm.
