Supplementary material_revised.xlsx (334.27 kB)


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Version 2 2021-02-12, 23:52
Version 1 2021-01-29, 18:10
posted on 2021-01-29, 18:10 authored by Regina Gonzalez MoguelRegina Gonzalez Moguel, Peter DouglasPeter Douglas, Mark Garnett, Adrian Bass, Benjamin Keenan, Alex Matveev, Martin Pilote
The dataset includes concentration, 13C, and 14C measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), total particulate carbon (TPC), sediment carbon and organic carbon, dissolved and ebullition methane (CH4), and ebullition carbon dioxide (CO2) from five lakes and three rivers in an area of sporadic permafrost degradation in Northern Quebec.

We sampled the three thaw lakes SAS2A, SAS2B, and SAS2C, located in a peatland adjacent to the Sasapimakwananisikw River (SAS2 peatland), in August 2018, August 2019, and February 2019. The other two lakes, KWK1 and KWK12, located in the once-glaciated KWK valley adjacent to the Kwakwatanikapistikw River, was sampled in August 2019 and 2019.


NSERC Discovery Grant 03902

Trottier Institute for Science and Public Policy

NERC Radiocarbon Facility East Kilbride

Natural Environment Research Council

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Fonds de Recherche de Quebec Nature et Tecnologie

Concordia CUPFA PD grant
