Table_6.xls (13.5 kB)

Iridocyclitis, cataract, papillitis and chorioretinitis in onchocerciasis patients (n = 82) post ivermectin treatment. Differences were evaluated using Pearson's chi-square test.

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posted on 2014-06-02, 04:04 authored by Méba Banla, Solim Tchalim, Potochoziou K. Karabou, Richard G. Gantin, Aide I. Agba, Abiba Kére-Banla, Gertrud Helling-Giese, Christoph Heuschkel, Hartwig Schulz-Key, Peter T. Soboslay

PIT =  post initial treatment.

PES =  Posterior Eye Segment.


Other Lesions: Phtyse, Pupille scleroatrophic, Synechie post trauma, Pigments on posterior Capsule.


Other Lesions: Phtyse, dead O.volvulus microfilariae on posterior capsule.


Other Lesions: optic cup/disc >0.5.


Other Lesions  =  retina detachment from the retinal pigment epithelium, drusen.

*p<0.001 compared to 4 years PIT;

**p<0.001 compared to before ivermectin;

***p<0.0001 compared to before ivermectin and 4 years PIT.


p<0.01 compared to before ivermectin.
