MDX NSPCC OCC Online Pornography - CYP Version 16.5.17.pdf (773.32 kB)

"I wasn't sure it was normal to watch it"

Version 4 2017-06-11, 07:06
Version 3 2017-05-16, 21:32
Version 2 2016-06-14, 22:11
Version 1 2016-06-09, 15:23
posted on 2017-06-11, 07:06 authored by Elena Martellozzo, Andy Monaghan, Joanna R Adler, Julia Davidson, Rodolfo Leyva, Miranda A H Horvath
These papers make up the final report of a quantitative and qualitative piece of research for the NSPCC and Children's Commissioner for England, regarding young people's feelings about and experiences of online pornography. You can access either the full report or a version prepared for young people (age 13+). These versions were revised in May, 2017.


Commissioned and published by the NSPCC and Children's Commissioner for England.
