Table_4.xls (13.5 kB)

Descriptive statistics for the studied traits.

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posted on 2015-08-31, 02:55 authored by Valdecy Aparecida Rocha da Cruz, Flávio Schramm Schenkel, Rodrigo Pelicioni Savegnago, Natalia Vinhal Grupioni, Nedenia Bonvino Stafuzza, Mehdi Sargolzaei, Adriana Mércia Guaratini Ibelli, Jane de Oliveira Peixoto, Mônica Corrêa Ledur, Danísio Prado Munari

1The names of the traits were defined in Tables 1 and 2.

2Means of weight (in grams), yields (in percentage), force (in kgf/mm2) and thickness (in cm).

N: number of animals; SD: standard deviations; CV: coefficient of variation.

Descriptive statistics for the studied traits.
