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Adverse events reported.

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posted on 2014-02-24, 03:08 authored by Brigitte Dreno, Mirjana Urosevic-Maiwald, Youn Kim, Joan Guitart, Madeleine Duvic, Olivier Dereure, Amir Khammari, Anne-Chantal Knol, Anna Derbij, Monika Lusky, Isabelle Didillon, Anne-Marie Santoni, Bruce Acres, Vincent Bataille, Marie-Pierre Chenard, Pascal Bleuzen, Jean-Marc Limacher, Reinhard Dummer

Only adverse events recorded in 3 patients or more have been listed in this table. A total of 196 AEs have been recorded, 179 of them were considered related to TG1042. All recorded adverse events were of grade 1 or 2 apart one grade 3 increase in blood lipase not considered related to TG1042.
