
XMAn-A Homo sapiens Mutated Cancer Peptides Database

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Version 4 2016-08-16, 19:57
Version 3 2016-08-14, 02:55
Version 2 2016-08-14, 02:54
Version 1 2016-02-26, 00:43
posted on 2016-08-16, 19:57 authored by Iulia M. LazarIulia M. Lazar, Xu Yang

To enable the identification of mutated peptide sequences in complex biological samples, in this work, a cancer protein database with mutation information collected from several public resources such as COSMIC, IARC P53, OMIM and UniProtKB, was developed. In-house developed Perl-scripts were used to search and process the data, and to translate each gene-level mutation into a mutated peptide sequence. The cancer mutation database comprises a total of 872,125 peptide entries from 25,642 protein IDs. A description line for each entry provides the parent protein ID and name, the cDNA- and protein-level mutation site and type, the originating database, and the cancer tissue type and corresponding hits. The database is FASTA formatted to enable data retrieval by commonly used tandem MS search engines.
