42 files

WithMe preprocessed dataset

posted on 2023-10-17, 09:23 authored by Steven MortierSteven Mortier, Jorg De Winne, Pengfei Sun, Wannes Vanransbeeck, Renata Turkes, Zhongju Yuan, Tim Verdonck, Marc Leman, Paul Devos, Dick Botteldooren

The preprocessed WithMe dataset as introduced in the following paper:

Steven Mortier, Renata Turkes,Jorg De Winne, Wannes Vanransbeeck, Dick Botteldooren, Paul Devos, Steven Latré, Marc Leman, Tim Verdonck. 2023. Classification of Targets and Distractors in an Audiovisual Attention Task based on Electroencephalography. Sensors. 2023; 23(23):9588.

A full explanation of the data collection and preprocessing procedure can be found in the paper. A short version can be found below:

The WithMe experiment involved 42 young adult subjects, including 21 females and 21 males. All participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and normal hearing. The experiment used a modified digit-span task where subjects had to identify and report target digits in a sequence, while ignoring distractor digits. The experiment included four different conditions: no support, visual rhythmic support, auditory non-rhythmic support, and visual rhythmic and auditory support. These conditions were presented in a pseudo-randomized order.

EEG data was collected using a standard 64-electrode EEG 10-20 system and sampled at 2048 Hz. The EEG data underwent several preprocessing steps, including re-referencing, bad channel removal, notch filtering, and band-pass filtering. The data was divided into epochs, ranging from 0.2 seconds pre-stimulus to 1.0 seconds post-stimulus, and independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to remove artifact components. Bad channels were interpolated using neighboring channels, and the data was downsampled to 50 Hz. On average, less than 0.6% of epochs were rejected per subject.

We expect to elicit attention, in the form of a P3a event-related potential, in response to the target stimuli. This dataset includes the preprocessed .fif files for all subjects. The accompanying behavioral data can be found here.

The full, raw data will be published as open access soon. A detailed description of the experiment and preprocessing steps can be found in the following paper: --insert paper details after acceptance--


WithMe: making interactions between humans and artificial intelligence more compelling and fascinating through biomonitoring of brain function

Research Foundation - Flanders

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