piv.vti (55.01 kB)

Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2011: Particle imaging velocimetry data

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Version 5 2015-08-12, 10:11
Version 4 2015-08-12, 10:11
Version 3 2015-08-12, 10:06
posted on 2015-08-12, 10:11 authored by Arjan J. GeersArjan J. Geers, Salvatore Cito, M. Pilar Arroyo, Virginia R Palero

Particle imaging velocimetry data belonging to the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2011 (VISC'11). The dataset was used to validate CFD solutions provided by challenge participants. Specifically, the dataset was used to validate the in-plane velocity field on the xy-plane at z = 0 mm for the untreated case.


Fileset content:

* piv.vti: PIV dataset (in mm) stored in a vtkImageData object



* The image region for x < -6 mm was excluded from data analysis for the journal paper. The normal of the glass surface was nearly perpendicular to the optical axis in this region and the PIV technique could not reliably estimate the velocity field. As mentioned in the paper, even after excluding part of the PIV image, relatively large differences between CFD and PIV were found near the lower bound of the x-axis.

* The PIV image and vascular geometry were placed in the same coordinate system. They were positioned such that the xy-plane at z = 0 mm (corresponding to the PIV plane) approximately sliced the main flow jet into the aneurysm along its axis.


More details on VISC'11:

Cito S, Geers AJ, Arroyo MP, Palero VR, Pallarés J, Vernet A, Blasco J, San Román L, Fu W, Qiao A, Janiga G, Miura Y, Ohta M, Mendina M, Usera G, Frangi AF. Accuracy and Reproducibility of Patient-Specific Hemodynamics Models of Stented Intracranial Aneurysms: Report on the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2011. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43(1):154-167, 2015.



Arjan Geers (



* : FigShare fileset "VISC'11: Input data"

* : FigShare fileset "VISC'11: CFD solutions group E"

* : GitHub repository with code to reproduce the plots of the journal paper
