Pcrep_VTvsHT_data_Nadal.xls (82.5 kB)

Transmission of Arsenophonus from single infected females vs mixed infected/uninfected groups

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posted on 2022-08-25, 11:59 authored by Greg HurstGreg Hurst, Pol Nadal-Jimenez, Stefanos Siozios, Steven Parratt

Two treatments: a) Single Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae females infected with Arsenophonus were allowed to oviposit on D.melanogaster pupae within a vial. F1 progeny were then tested for Arsenophonus presence via PCR (with QC on insect to verify amplifiability). b) Groups of 2 infected and 2 uninfected P. vindemmiae females were allowed to oviposit on D.melanogaster pupae within a vial. F1 progeny were then tested for Arsenophonus presence via PCR (with QC on insect to verify amplifiability).

Column A: Sample #

Colimn B: Treatment (single female or group lay as defined above)

Column C: Vial replicate number

Column D: QC PCR results on insect DNA (1 = amplifiable 0= fail)

Column E: PCR assay results for Arsenophonus presence (1 = present, 0 = absent)

Column F: PCR plate/well

Column G: Notes, e.g. if sample was rerrun when first assay was ambiguous.


Establishing the genetic basis of symbiosis in an insect host

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